

Campus life offers students priceless opportunities for living, 服务, 研究, 一起玩得开心. You’ll be surrounded by a supportive community, 包括同学, 居民助理, 工作人员, 和老师.

应用ing for Housing and Finding a 房间mate

Find out about the housing contract and deposit, timeline, roommate assignments, and more.



North Park’s 居住生活和住房 工作人员 is available to answer your questions throughout the year.



You are welcome to bring your own furniture, but you are not 允许 to remove the furniture currently in the room, as it is property of the University. Common items brought are chairs, futons, and ottomans  

I already know who I want to be roommates 与. Is t在这里 a way to make sure I room 与 them?

是的. 在你的住房申请中,你可以 写下名字 of the individual you would like to room and we can make sure you both are matched up.

I’ve decided to live on campus at North Park University. 我现在该怎么办?

  • First: You can only fill out the housing application after you have been accepted to North Park University and have paid your tuition deposit. Then, you must submit your $250 housing deposit which can be found in your self service  
  • Second: You will receive instructions and information for Housing via your North Park email  
  • Third: You will receive your housing assignment after you have registered for your first-semester classes  

Can I select a residence hall preference?

是的. 在你的住房申请中,你可以 list which of the residence halls you prefer. Please note that t在这里 are limited bed spaces in each of the halls so t在这里 is a chance you might not get your first pick.  

Are t在这里 any single room options available?

是也不是. 虽然有房间 designed to be single rooms, these rooms are limited in number (small single rooms). 另一个 option 是 买下 a room that would otherwise house two people (double as single rooms). If 两者都有 options for single rooms are filled, you can be placed on a waitlist.

Unfortunately, I am having conflicts 与 my current roommate. 我怎么搬房间?

房间 改变 week will occur in the third week of each semester. Contact the Area Coordinator of your living area for more information. If conflicts arise during the semester, outside of room 改变 week, you are encouraged to 与…取得联系 your Area Coordinator to discuss what your options are.

膳食计划是如何运作的? 我一定要有吗?

Students living in Burgh Hall, Anderson Hall, & Ohlson房子 都必须 制定膳食计划.

First-year students in residence halls 都必须 select between Weekly 15 and All Access meal plans during their first semester.

You are 允许 to increase your meal plan at any point during the semester but the fifth day of classes is the deadline if you wish to decrease your meal plan. 

Please visit the Dining Hall website for pricing and more information:


什么是Flex $?

Think of it as a currency that can only be used on North Park’s campus, 具体地说, 在校园食堂, 海盗咖啡馆, 1891面包公司. You can add more Flex Dollars online at any time. Flex Dollars also roll over into the next semester but will expire at the end of the academic year.


If you are involved in athletics, your move-in date will be early. Check 与 your coach to see what your move-in date will be. Threshold Move-in takes place in the morning on Friday of the Threshold weekend.

Please refer to your North Park email for specific instructions regarding your move-in day & time. 您可以查看“阈值”时间段 在这里.


请与门禁专家联系 ada@mogrenlandscape.com for all accommodations-specific questions.